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Decision regarding spectators.
It will not be possible to sell any tickets for this year’s BMW International Open, even with a carefully-developed and viable hygiene plan in place. Based on the legal situation in the State of Bavaria, the responsible authorities have approved 400 spectators per day. These must occupy fixed, designated seats and may only enter the golf course in defined and guided groups. Normal tournament attendance with free movement of spectators around the course has not been permitted, thereby precluding regular ticket sales. Contractual obligations to partners and the European Tour will take up all approved allocated seats.
BMW regrets this decision and is aware that this is disappointing for all golf fans in Germany. The authorities made this decision based on the 13th Bavarian regulation regarding infection prevention measures that is currently in force.
The bmw-golfsport.com website will contain detailed, multimedia reporting on the BMW International Open. A free livestream will be available on all four tournament days, featuring comprehensive live statistics and news with the Data Experience powered by NTT Data. A daily podcast will be produced at Golfclub München Eichenried in cooperation with the leading German golf podcast TEE TIME. This will be accompanied by the daily live magazine “Inside the Ropes” and numerous video productions, which will provide background information and allow you to take a peek behind the scenes at the BMW International Open.
BMW is very grateful to Main Partners NTT Data, Rolex and Süddeutsche Zeitung, Corporate Partners Antenne Bayern and Hilton Hotels, and all Supplier Partners for their support and cooperation in these challenging times.